
OSSE Student Hearing Office (SHO) Case Management System

District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE)

Project Overview

TDC provided Project Management services to the Office of State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) Student Hearing Office (SHO) for the implementation and enhancement of the OSSE Student Hearing Office Docketing and Case Management System.

Performance Period

Description of Work Performed

At the time of contract award, the District of Columbia Student Hearing Office (SHO) processed more complaints for special education then the rest of the United States combined. This reality necessitated a complex and comprehensive case management solution. The implementation of the Docketing System was one of the components of the newly established operational infrastructure of the SHO. This project revolutionized the office’s manual and paper-based management/tracking environment to a web-based, automated, highly accountable platform to manage and track the Special Education Due Process Complaint process. TDC was critical in ensuring the District of Columbia hearing system attained timeliness consistent with applicable laws and regulations, and improved case management practices for the Independent Hearing Officers.

Key Takeaways

  • SHO

  • Docketing